Κυριότερα έργα
Τιθορέα – Δομοκός, 2000 – 2001
Νέα διπλή σιδηροδρομική γραμμή υψηλών ταχυτήτων μεταξύ Τιθορέας και Δομοκού – τμήμα απo χ.θ 19+000 εως χ.θ 40+000
Εγνατία Οδός τμημα 5.1 Πολύμυλος – Λευκόπετρα (1999 – 2003)
Ανάθεση καθηκόντων συμβούλου στην Γεωλογική, Γεωτεχνική και Στατική οριστική μελέτη της σήραγγας S10 της Εγνατίας Οδού
Δεξαμενή Κιολιά, Ν. Καστελλόριζου, 2000-2001
Υπηρεσίες γεωτεχνικού συμβούλου και ποιοτικού ελέγχου κατά την φάση της κατασκευής λιμνοδεξαμενής χωρητικότητας 82000 m3
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Κατηγορίες έργων

Εφαρμογή Γεωσυνθετικών
Η εταιρεία μας έχει αναπτύξει ιδιαίτερη εμπειρία σε έργα στο εξωτερικό
Διεθνής Έμπειρία
Έργα στα Βαλκάνια, στην Αφρική και στην Μέση Ανατολή.
Albania, Kavaja (9839)
Year: 1998
Description: Geotechnical investigations and final designs for the project Rehabilitation and reconstruction of the east west corridor section 1 Duress - Rroghozine Road Part: Kavaja By Pass (ch. 0+000 - 7+985)
Fyrom, Skopje-Pristina (9839)
Year: 2004 - 2005
Description: Geotechnical Preliminary Assesment of stability at various locations along the Skopje – Thessaloniki main oil pipeline
Romania, Bucarest (04109)
Year: 2004
Description: Preliminary geotechnical assessment of the north-east part of the peripheral Bucarest Ring Road (Concession project)
Kuwait, Bubyan Island (05043)
Year: 2005
Description: New Port of Bubyan island, road – rail embankments and bridges at Subiya strait - Geotechnical preliminary design for bidding stage - AEGEK S.A.
Serbia, Novisad (05048)
Year: 2005
Description: Preliminary geotechnical design for BESCA Bridges over the river Danube (Concession project)
Algeria, Oued Djer (07014)
Year: 2007
Description: Geotechnical final design for the diversion tunnel and slope stability improvement at Qued-Djer
United Arab Emirates, Abu-Dhabi (7537)
Year: 1983-1985
Description: Supervision and in - situ geotechnical quality control for the construction of 35 kms of streets for new group at the northern suburbs of ABU DHABI.
Libya, Sebha (7716)
Year: 1985-1986
Description: Expertise geotechnical reports for the construction of accessibility roads to SEBHA wells
Romania, Brazi (08040)
Year: 2007-2008
Description: Brazi combined cycle heat and power plant of a net power 867 MW, Petrobrazi Refinery, Natural Gas
Montenegro, Pljevlja (08053)
Year: 2008-2009
Description: New cement kiln line 3200 t/d (Clinker) - Geotechnical investigations, evaluation and final geotechnical design of various units
Iraq, Bagdad (8523)
Year: 1986-1987
Description: Geotechnical conceptual design for a new town at lake Tharthar
Tanzania, Zanzibar (8933)
Year: 1989
Description: Independent geotechnical expertise on piles construction concerning the new Harbour Docks of Pemba and Zanzibar
Turke, Samsun (09056 )
Year: 2009
Description: Combined Cycle Heat and Power Plant Power 2X435 MW in Samsun. Geotechnical Investigations and Final Designs of foundation of various units
United Arab Emirates, Fujairah (9210)
Year: 1990-1992
Description: Geotechnical investigations, design and construction surveillance with quality control of backfilled areas for a new oil tanks farm at Fujairah - U.A.E. (METRO-OIL Co.)
Russia, Kazan (9232)
Year: 1992
Description: Geotechnical design for the construction of swine-farms facilities
Ucraine, Volgograd (9258)
Year: 1992-1994
Description: Geotechnical investigations – evaluation and preliminary design of a new bridge over Volga river at Volgograd
British Virgin Islands, Tortola (9268)
Year: 1992
Description: Design of International Airport Pavement
Albania, Mamurrasi - Miloti (9446)
Year: 1995
Description: Road rehabiliation program, of road corridor Mamurrasi - Miloti Road
Syria, Deir Ali (10009)
Year: 2010
Description: Extension of Deir Ali II combined cycle Power Plant Geotechnical Investigations and Final Design of foundations of various units
Poland, Korzowa (10022)
Year: 2010
Description: Geotechnical consulting during construction of the A4 Motorway, part Radymno - Korzowa
Albania, Port of Durres (10038)
Year: 2010
Description: Design of reconstruction / rehabilitation of Quay 10 - 270 lm, Port of Durres Geotechnical design report of a secant pile-wall
Cyprus, Kammitsi (11001)
Year: 2011
Description: Laboratory tests carried out on samples of materials for the design of Dams Kammitsi and Archangelos
Algeri, Oran (11014)
Year: 2011-2013
Description: Final Geotechnical Design of BERKECHE irrigation Dam and associated structures - (ENB, HPO)
Algeria, Biskra (11015)
Year: 2011-2013
Description: Final Geotechnical Design of OULDJA irrigation Dam and associated structures - (ENB)
Syria, Deir Ar Zawr (11022)
Year: 2011-2012
Description: Extension of Deir Ar Zawr Combined Cycle Power Plant (C.C.P.P.) Supervision of Geotechnical Investigations and Final Geotechnical Design of foundations of various units
Cameroon, Douala (TE04_31)
Year: 2004
Description: Geotechnical Design for the foundation of a new bridge at Mungo river
Pakistan, Karachi (TE07_003)
Year: 2007
Description: Geotechnical investigations and final design for the foundation of Gas Turbines at Korangi Thermal Power Station
Albania, Dures-Tirana (13011)
Year: 2013
Description: Detailed Design of Durres-Tirana Public Transport Terminal (PPT) and of the new railway connection to Rinas Airport (TIA) and Financial - Economic Appraisal of the whole Albanian Railway Network
Romania , Copsa-Mica (15026)
Year: 2015
Description: Geotechnical Consulting for the project "NEW WAΕLZ KILN LINE IN SOMETRA SITE, SIBIU" ROMANIA
Algeria, Mila (13040)
Year: 2013
Description: Approbation des Etudes et des Plans d'Execution, Assistance Technique, suivi et controle des Travaux de construction du Tunnel PK9 et de la conduite de refoulement entre PK7 et PK11 du Transfert des eaux a partir de la station de pompage de BÉNI HAROUN vers le Barrage reservoir OUED ATHMANIA dans la Wilaya de Mila
Ghana, Takoradi (15027)
Year: 2015
Description: Geotechnical Consulting for the project "AMANDI POWER PLANT, TAKORADI", GHANA
Madagascar, Antanavarino (17038)
Year: 2017
Description: Construction du Tunnel reliant la CNAPS et l'Avenue de l'Indipendence

Εμμ. Παπαδάκη 19, Ν. Ηράκλειο, Αθήνα, 14121
Τηλ:. +30 210 2709600
Φαξ: +30 210 2709625
Email: edafo@edafomichaniki.gr
Αριθμός Γ.Ε.Μ.Η: 004087801000
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